Prepositions Behind the car stood the guard. Along the road, travelled the car. Above the bridge, the factory towers. Below the bridge flows the river. On top of the rail, the bird was perched. Across the horizon, the city spreads. Beside the bridge stood the watchtower. Noun Phrases The cold lonely river flowed through the forest […]

Throughout the play Macbeth, Shakespeare portrays Lady Macbeth’s ambition as so dire she asks other forces of nature to “unsex me here,”.  While Macbeth is consumed by his morals as to whether he should kill King Duncan, Lady Macbeth’s dire ambition to have a better life for herself and become Queen has become so powerful she […]

Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow, Creeps in this petty pace from day to day To the last syllable of recorded time, And all our yesterdays have lighted fools The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle! Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player That struts and frets his hour upon the stage And […]

Scene 1 Characters: Gentle-Woman, Doctor, Lady Macbeth Location: Dunsinane. A room in the castle. Time: Unknown Events: Gentle-Woman and the doctor hear Lady Macbeth talking in her sleep. This is a worrying situation for the Gentle-woman and the doctor because if Lady Macbeth knew they have heard her talk they would be killed. She than […]

Scene 1 Characters: Witches 1-3, Macbeth, Lenox, Hecate, Apparitions 1(with an armoured head), Apparition 2 (a bloody child), Apparition 3 (a child crowned, with a tree in his hand). Location: A dark cave. In the middle, a boiling cauldron. Time: Unknown Events: The three witches make an extremely powerful cauldron full of rare ingredients. Macbeth […]

Scene 1 Characters: Banquo, Macbeth, Lady Macbeth, Lenox, Rosse, Attendant, Murderers Location: Forres. A room in the palace. Time: Unknown Events: Macbeth believes that it is necessary to kill Banquo and his son because he is benefitting from Macbeth killing Duncan as much as Macbeth himself is despite him not having to go through with […]

Scene 1 Characters: Banquo, Fleance, Macbeth. Location: Macbeth’s Castle. Time:  Later than Midnight Events: Banquo mentions to Macbeth that he had a dream of the three witches and that so far everything the witches have said has turned out to be true. Macbeth finally finds the courage to kill Duncan. Macbeth pictures a dagger covered in […]

“Your hand, your tongue: look like the innocent flower But be the serpent under’t” – Lady Macbeth Lady Macbeth is telling Macbeth to have the guise of the innocent while his true nature should be of a serpent. He should have the temptation to do evil with in him and not have any remorse when going […]

Scene 1 Characters: The three witches Location: A open place Time: Unknown Events: The witches plan to meet again after the battle is over. They plan to meet Macbeth on the heath. King Duncan asks for a report on the battle. Quote: “Fair is foul, and foul is fair.” – paradox Scene 2 Characters: King […]

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